Notice to vacate

The notice period for an apartment is three months, always counted from the last day of the month. For your notice period to start from the current month, you must submit your notice form to HFAB no later than the last day of the month.

Your notice to vacate must always be submitted in writing. You can use either your rental agreement or this notice form (uppsägning in swedish), also available at our Customer Service. A submitted notice cannot be withdrawn.

When you give notice to vacate your apartment, you may keep your accumulated queue points, but remember that you must log in to My Pages once a year and confirm that you wish to remain in the housing queue.

To keep in mind when giving notice to vacate:

  • The notice period for an apartment is three months. Any request you may have to vacate earlier should be stated on the notice form.
  • As a tenant, you are obligated to show your apartment to those offered a viewing by HFAB. The viewing period is 5 days and as the vacating tenant, you will be contacted by the applicants offered the apartment.
    If you are unable to show the apartment, we can help you with this.
  • Your customer host will book an inspection of your apartment once your notice has been received by us. As a tenant, you can choose whether or not you want to be present for the inspection.
  • In connection with booking the inspection, we will mail you a checklist for vacating. The list specifies how the apartment must be cleaned prior to moving out. Before moving out, you must schedule a cleaning inspection with your landlord – remember to book this well in advance! The cleaning inspection must be performed no later than 12 pm on the day of vacating.